Hey all!
How was your day?
I had a rocky start.
I was feeling sad this morning, but I got up, had breakfast, jumped in and out of the shower, and settled on the bed in my towel.
I waited for the shower works to dry me off, as I watched the music channel on the tv. I dressed, grabbed my laptop, phone and headphones, making my way downstairs. Searching for some help.
Thankfully Nathan wasn't too busy, so we faced time and he helped me by getting my blog back online.
I was working on a post about the wedding. It was last Wednesday, hosting my beautiful, inspirational mother, and my friend and support, my stepdad, Chris.
It was a beautiful memory shared with family and friends.
We all shared our time up in front of our guests, Chris, Mum, Dan, Ocean and I. We three, Uncle Dan, Ocean and I read our funny, memorable and creative blessings through tears of joy.
Whilst I stood proudly with Uncle Dan and Ocean, I looked out at all the lovely faces that I recognised, and some that I didn't. Listening to Ocean read her part in the blessing, I was nervously waiting for my part to shine, make people cry and laugh with happiness.
And success. As I read my speech, my eyes scanned the crows to see my Uncle crying, Charly smiling back at me, and many more laughing and crying when I mess up or laugh at myself. Once I was done, I was so hyped up that I really wanted to do it again.
Not because I wasn't happy with my performance, but because I enjoyed myself immensely.
Dan read his next and it was hilarious, those that attended the wedding will have experienced the same feeling, whilst listening to us all.
Ocean and I also cried, a lot, throughout the ceremony. Then came the dreaded vowels from two amazing and soon to be wedded pairs. Danny and Chris.
When I say, 'dreaded' I don't mean in a bad way. It was more about, the context that we were all going to hear. Those beautiful words that they both read to each other and to everyone attending, brought happy tears to us all.
As the happy pair, walked down the aisle, towards the door to the road outside. We threw confetti flowers up above, which landed on them. We all cheered them on, gave them praises, and sent them on their way.
The next place was most definitely a different view, but still comfy and beautiful.
Long tables were set out with chairs surrounding them, covered in white table cloths, decorated with plates, lights, pictures and much more.
I'll keep the rest of the night up to your imagination. And to those that were there. As all you need to do is to rack your brain for that memorable day.
All I know is that I had so much fun.
Celebrating two people that I love and care for so much. And confirming the relationship between both families, united. The Reads, and The O'Hara's.
Before the wedding, I had always considered Jan and Ed as grandparents and Dan was a part of our family. Over the years, I call Jan, GrandJan. Which I think she enjoyed.
I am so happy for mum and Chris, and I hope that one day, I can also find that one that I love deeply, care for, and cherish. Even one to fight and make up with.
Taking this back to when my blog crashed on me, I almost died thinking that all my hard work throughout my blog, was gone forever. I had a small panic attack.
Luckily, Nat was about. Not in person, but remotely. He helped me connect my blog with the online world.
And I relaxed. I sorted myself out with a hot cup of tea, and sat down to write.
Feeling happier, and more motivated, I wrote and didn't stop for hours. So I say, Thank you to Nathan. I love you Always. And Forever.