Why am I waiting for guy that isn't, and never shows up.
I get that he has his own problems and plans, but why make plans with me, and then doesn't fall through with them?!!
I'm not really angry, because we all need time for ourselves, but i feel like i need him. And i don't know why. I care for him. But i don't know if it is as a friend, or more.
I can't blame him. It's not his fault. I wanna help him. I care for him, but i don't know how to help him.
I care for him, and I've only known him a short time.
It's not his fault i feel this, it's not his fault that he doesn't feel like this towards me. It's not his fault, any of this is his fault.
I may have my own problems, but there are other people that have bigger problems, they may need more help, understanding and love.