When i woke this morning, i was happy. Had loads of time to get things done. Left the house in time to head towards my therapy session. Getting anxious all the way there. Sit in the waiting room, awaiting for something the happen
She asks me to follow her into another room. One that i don't recognize, where there's another women sitting. I knew this was coming, but still I'm surprised..
Opening up, is hard. But i try. And say things that i don't usually say out loud. Thinking that it'll help, and they'll do what they said, that they'll do.
"Medication, that's what we'll do.!" Says both the doctor and my therapist.
Why do i believe that, when they say you'll be fine. No need for the medication that we promised you, !
So, yeah, i left. Crying. All the way home. No a care in the world about what others were thinking with tears streaming down my face.
I got home around 10am, and went to the toilet. I'm still in here, and it's 13:40 by the time i post this.
This sucks, I've got no motivation to do anything, not even leave the bathroom.
My days are getting worse. Sometimes i can't do anything. No matter how much i try..i just can't.
I've been dark, i needed those medications that they promised me. What a liar. You want me to trust you and open up, don't lie and trick me into telling. No wonder i don't open up. When you act like that!