The title basically says it all. I am not able to forgive myself for everything that i went through, and are still going through.
Yeah, i understand and know that it wasn't my fault, but i still can't forgive myself. No matter how much i try, i just can't. I'd like to learn, and get better.
I have no shame, but, me being sad and depressed is preventing me to forgive myself completely.
It wasn't my fault that guys, men thought it was there right to molest, rape, bully me, manipulate, physical, mental, sexually, emotional abuse me. Kick me when i am down, and hate on me with more, just because i wore a skirt to school, or because i showed bare legs at a kids birthday party.
Catcalling, bullying, do i need to name more?!
No person, male or female should have to be put through all of that, and still not be able to forgive themselves. Because it wasn't their fault. None of it was.
And never think that it was.
I know better. I know it's not my fault, and i am learning to deal with my trauma, but forgiveness is a hard one. I even have trouble forgiving others that have hurt me and are still hurting me.