perfect! no one is perfect. but I am good. strong enough and i can get through my bad times. to say goodbye to my dark mind, and say hello to my beautiful side.
but it is so hard, when all i wanna do is hide from the world. cry until there's no tears left. hurt myself until i feel no pain.
bite down hard, until only the marks show, but no pain i feel inside. push people out, until i feel so alone and lonely. that all i want to do is die.
call myself names, so when others call me names, they dont hurt as much.
when will it stop hurting so much?
when will i stop flinching when guys give me hugs, or shake my hand or look in my eyes.
when will i feel good, and enough in my own eyes, when will i stop hurting myself.
so many good questions, why don't I have any answers
I'm so numb. I feel so numb.
I don't know how to feel like me again. I don't even know what is me anymore. and what is my darkness.
I don't have the answers that I keep asking myself.