Good things happen to good people. Not always true. Good things come to those that do something about it. If you want something, go and get it, don't let people say that you can't, or that you're not worth it. Don't just sit and expect it. Earn it. Work for those good times.
If you want it, go and get it.
For example, I want to retake my Maths and English GCSEs, and I will go and get them. I'd like to pass my English with a B+ or an A- and my Maths, C+ or B-. I'd like to at least try and get a good grade. But of course, I can't sit around and expect it to land in my brain. I need to study and work for it.
With my new job, I'd like to earn enough to move out for good. But that's going to take time, as I also need to save, pay debts back, and put money away to move into a shared house.
I would like to work up the chain, in this new job. It takes determination, time, a healthy being, and love for the job that I will be starting soon. As I say, if I want all these good things, to flourish in my life, I have to work for it and make it happen.
If I want to travel and visit family and friends, then I need to work for it, to enjoy these great upcoming commitments. If I want to see my brother and dad in Denmark, visit my sister and her partner in London, or my best friend in New Zealand, and even family that live in the country, I need to make the money, to visit, spend time and go on holidays. If I want something, I need to do what I can to make it happen.
I understand that I am repeating a lot of what I am trying to say, but in order to get the point across, I need to explain in detail. Love you Always.