Woke up at 5:20am. With lots of time to spare.
Brushed teeth, combed hair and showered.
Dressed, fed, with time for myself.
20 minutes work out added into the mix.
Grabbed my keys, wallet, phone, and body.
Shutting the door on my soul, that's stuck inside my room.
Wrapped up in bed, sinking, being swallowed, forgotten.
Where I'd want to be.
Keys jingle in my hand, as i lock up the house,
Leaving down the front steps,
And making my way to the bus station.
Walking past shops, with no lights inside,
Houses lightening up, getting ready to start the day.
Dog walkers out for a morning stroll,
Arriving at the station, to see a busy station with people waiting for their train or bus.
Taking my bus pass out, i scan it and take my seat.
Staring out of the window, as people file onto the bus.
Glancing around the bus, i see the same faces. Tired eyes, small voices, babies screaming, this bus is full of different excitements this morning.
The bus pulls out of the station, and begins it's to nowhere. But somewhere.
I get my phone out, like so many people here, and start to write.
It's dark out, the lights turning on in buildings, but the sky is still in darkness.
Just when i think that I'll be on this bus forever, my stop arrives, i press the stop bottom.
Scan my bus pass, and step out of the bus. Into the cold, misty air.
I walk the short, but long distance to work. Knowing that I've got to spend a whole day in a place i feel uncomfortable and sad.
I take in breath, open the doors, and I'm swallowed between.
As i begin to close the door, i can't help thinking. 'I could turn around, and walk away'.
But i don't, with one last look outside, i close the door behind me.