I was having a good day. Feeling refreshed, re-energised, 'ready to take on the world!'
And then I get this notification on Facebook. I don't look at it straight away, thinking that it'll just be some random person.
As I go on with my day, I make time and check my phone for updates.
To find that D, asked, or requested to be my friend again! At least on Facebook it said so.
Don't judge, i was curious, i missed him, but not as much as I said when I saw him. I hadn't really thought or talked about him.
But i remember his face, that gorgeous face. And i guess i melted.
I let him back in, the guy that crushed my soul last year. Yep, he just walked into my life like he'd done it everyday since i met him on Tinder.
I felt like dirty candy once he was finished with me. I said no, but he convinced me too, and I can't say that I wasn't having fun. Because i did enjoy it. He just had to use his will and manipulation to make the No! Into a yes!
Once he was done, he left me high and dry. Now what?!