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Fighting back with light
A Blog Treading light in darkness
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Bjørk O'Hara
Nov 24, 20244 min read
Who's My Love?
It is hard to start a new relationship when all I have known are bad ones. But when I met My Love, it was like my heart knew before my...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Oct 23, 20242 min read
When will it get better?
It has been going bad again. Lately, I have felt so down in the dumps. I am so sad and angry, that I cry most days, and I sometimes go...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Aug 4, 20241 min read
Finally going well
Things are finally going well for me. Well, it is starting to fall into place. Let me tell you about it; After going from bad to worst in...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Jun 21, 20242 min read
What should I do?
Why do I get myself in these situations? Where I think that this is what I deserve?! To be treated with so little respect, to be ignored,...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Jun 17, 20242 min read
From pain to freedom
Said some words today that I regret, but can never take back. Because once they are out, no matter how much you apologised, they have...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Jun 6, 20241 min read
we can do it..we will get through this, together x
I cry every time that I read my words of the past. But they aren't always sad tears. Some are, because man do I write some sadness. But...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Jun 6, 20242 min read
brain fog
I think I know why I was sick, these last day or two. I was shivering, and sweating, being sick every hour, but not the sick you get when...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Feb 4, 20242 min read
Stuck in the past
I see my friends and family going off and living their lives, and I feel stuck. I have a good job, and I live in a good home. But I still...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Jan 3, 20242 min read
Healthy eating
I am getting better at eating well. I am taking a break from takeaways, until I can get a better read on the best ones. The ones that are...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Dec 25, 20231 min read
Why do I feel like this? Why can't I just be happy?!
Why say yes to something that you really mean no too? Why say you'll do one thing, when really you mean you'll do another? Why do we do...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Dec 25, 20232 min read
Hopes for the future
Where to start? I sit here as I wonder, ponder on that exact object. I bet everyone does it at many different times of the day. They...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Dec 25, 20232 min read
Drunk, yet so dead
It was Christmas eve, and the whole family were enjoying our times together. Full of laughter and joy. Games on demand, and Christmas...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Dec 18, 20231 min read
Appreciating the life I've got.
Everyday I am learning to appreciate my life and those lives around me. I try and take in as much life and light as I can. Even though...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Dec 11, 20232 min read
Me, myself and I
Sometimes I feel like I have to put on an act, say that I am fine, and carry on even though inside me I am screaming and dying. I feel...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Dec 11, 20231 min read
One December day
Waking up in a foreign bed, not sure how I got there. No wait, I do. It is one of the best nights of sleep, I am not tired and not...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Dec 4, 20231 min read
Could be Christmas spirt.
Sitting there watching an old movie on TV, I ask them how they are doing with their project, and they say, 'Don't be smart, boy'. So I...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Nov 29, 20232 min read
Losing faith
I am losing faith in you guys. You say that you want more than just a hookup, you use me and then you throw me aside when you're finished...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Nov 24, 20233 min read
25 and scared of my own shadow
My anxiety is worst than ever these days. And it is only getting worse. When I walk down the streets, I am terrified. When I meet people,...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Nov 21, 20232 min read
Dark days into light ones
Some days I have trouble getting out of bed. I know that most days that I am not working, they cause me real trouble doing anything. But...
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Bjørk O'Hara
Nov 21, 20232 min read
Avocado, poached egg and black pudding on toast.
Another coffee and brunchtime with my laptop in my favourite new cafe. It sits just of Prince of wales street, a warm open space, with...
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